Sunday, October 27, 2013

And then the cold came

Prior to my mission, I heard all sorts of things about Korea's weather.  "You're going to die from the humidity!"  "The summer is just non-stop floods and typhoons!"  "You've never experienced a heat such like Korea's..."

Eh.  That's what they all said.  Then I arrived here and it really wasn't that bad.  There wasn't a single "typhoon", it never really rained more than it rains in Utah, the humidity was just so-so, and the temperature stayed in the wonderful range of 80-90 the entire summer in good old Gunsan.  So it was really not that bad.

Well, I also heard these comments "You've never experience a humid winter before.  Get ready to freeze"  and "Korea's winters are colder than you can even imagine".

And I believe it.  It's not even November yet, the temperatures are still in the 60's during the day, but I am freezing! I don't know what's wrong with me, haha, maybe I'm just too used to the heat and now that it's starting to go away, my body doesn't know what to do.  Each night I put on my heavy winter pea coat on top of my suit because I'm just that cold.  It's only October!!  What I am I going to do come winter!?

Okay so it's probably not that bad....  Maybe I'm just over-exaggerating.  But over-exaggerating or not, I set our apartment temperature at 84 degrees Fahrenheit and it's going to stay that way.

Anyway, that's the weather update.  As far as missionary work goes, this week, as I told you last week, was transfers.  While Elder Kim Daewon and I aren't changing, Elder Bowman (the other elder with live with) got a new greenie.  How exciting!  His name is Elder Jo and he is Korean.  However, two years ago he started going to school at Salt Lake Community College where he found out about the church and decided to be baptized.  One year later, he came on a mission - awesome faith, huh?  The kid's a stud, he's super cool, and his testimony is really strong.  I'm really exciting to be serving in the same area as him, I'm definitely going to learn a ton.

Testing week ended last week, so all of our investigators should be able to start meeting with us again.  We still meet with our chinese guy, the family, and a few other college students.  Wish us luck as we teach them this week!

Okay, that's all for this week.  Also, thanks for all the birthday letters/wishes/presents/etc.  You're all the best!

Elder Graf

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